Build overview

The staff consists of the following subassemblies:

  • battery assembly, containing two batteries, controller board, wiring, and spacers. This assembly is placed in the center of the staff

    Battery assembly
  • two LED assemblies, one on each side of the battery assembly. Each LED assembly consists of the wood dowel with two 50cm LED strips on opposite sides of the dowel. On inner end of the dowel, there is a power distribution board (PDB) to which both LED strips are connected; on the outer, one assembly has a charging connector, and the other, a switch.

    LED assemblies

All of the above are inserted into the polycarbonate tube and protected at both ends by 3d printed endcaps wrapped in soft foam. The middle of the tube is wrapped in tennis racket grip tape to provide secure grip.


  1. At some steps you will be using epoxy. Please be careful that it doesn’t get on your skin - to be on the safe side, you can put on thin latex gloves.

  2. You will be soldering leads to 18650 Li-Ion battery. It can be dangerous if not done right. Make sure to carefully read the instructions before doing this. If you are not sure you can do it, then this project is not for you.

If you messed up, destroying one of the parts, or misplaced it, do not worry! Email me at and I can send you a replacement.